Basics of Cryptography
Custom JBossAS Login
SOAP Webservice
Role Based Access Control
Project Structure
Recovery Points
A Walk through the App (I)
A Walk through the App (II)
Installation and Test

Always download the latest versions (printed in bold type). The older versions remain for historical reasons only.

The following links point to the custom login module. If you want to build the RBAC distribution by yourself you have to build this one first. The jboss-custom-login-2015-05-07 release supports an additional module option needed for the configuration of a SQL update statement. This update statement increments the value of the failure column of a certain user if her login fails. The updateFailure module option has become necessary since the RBAC distribution is now supporting PostgreSQL too and PostgreSQL has a different syntax concerning updates involving joins than MySQL.

jboss-custom-login-2015-04-23.zip jboss-custom-login-2015-05-07.zip

This is the RBAC distribution itself. The ZIP-archive contains the RBAC-test, RBAC-model, RBAC-facade and RBAC-web sub-projects including the source code. The RBAC-2015-05-11 release contains a minor bug fix and its remote test client supports the instrumentation of PostgreSQL too. The RBAC-2015-09-09 release fixes a bug concerning the remote test client. The test client has (additionally) tried to feed a MySQL instance regardless of the configuration within the test.properties file. In the absence of a MySQL installation, this has caused an abort of the test run.

RBAC-2015-04-23.zip RBAC-2015-09-09.zip

And last but not least the provisioned Wildfly application server. The wildfly-8.2.0.rbac-demo.2015-05-11 release disables the cache of the custom security domain. Otherwise the evaluation of the number of failed logins isn't effective. Someone would want a more fine-grained control over the cache but it's poorly documented.

wildfly-8.2.0.rbac-demo.2015-04-24.zip wildfly-8.2.0.rbac-demo.2015-05-11.zip

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