Basics of Cryptography
Custom JBossAS Login
SOAP Webservice
The Idea
Project Structure
Service Definition
XML Signature
Installation and Test
Test Cases
Execution and Analysis
Role Based Access Control

A JDK 8 and the WildFly 10.1.0 Application Server are required for executing the integration test. Unzip the WildFly distribution into a path without empty spaces to be on the safe side. Next you need the SecurityPriceService distribution and (optionally) the HttpMonitor which are available within the Downloads section. The latter one is only needed if you want to monitor the exchange of the SOAP requests and SOAP responses on the wire. The SecurityPriceService test client is preconfigured to use the HttpMonitor as intermediary agent, that is if you skip the HttpMonitor an extra configuration step is required later on. Both the SecurityPriceService distribution and the HttpMonitor can be unzipped into a directory of your choice.


First, I will give you an overwiew where to find the subsequent mentioned (configuration) files within the HttpMonitor and SecurityPriceService projects.

HttpMonitor - httpmonitor.properties - setup-java-home - start-http-monitor - stop-http-monitor - log - WorkTracer-0.log

SecurityPriceService - certificates.jks - module.xml - setup-java-home - SecurityPriceService-client - integrationtest.properties - run-integration-tests - log - IntegrationTests.log - xml - extra-request.xml - extra-response.xml

Next, you may carry out the five subsequent configuration steps according to your system environment:

(1) Navigate to the base directory of the SecurityPriceService distribution and enter a path to a JDK1.7+ into setup-java-home.bat (Windows) or rather setup-java-home.sh (Linux). The same applies for the HttpMonitor.
(2) Copy the certificates.jks file from the base directory of the SecurityPriceService distribution to the <WILDFLY_HOME>/standalone/configuration directory.
(3) You will need to enter the absolute path to your WildFly instance into the de.christofreichardt.jaxws.securitypriceservice.wildfly_home property from the integrationtest.properties file of the SecurityPriceService-client sub-project.
1 # Path to Wildfly
2 de.christofreichardt.jaxws.securitypriceservice.wildfly_home=C:/Users/Developer/AppServer/wildfly-8.2.0.Final
3 ...
(4) Review the connection data as provided by the httpmonitor.properties of the HttpMonitor application and the integrationtest.properties of the SecurityPriceService-client sub-project.

By default the connections will be established as shown below:


The HttpMonitor effectively acts as a small proxy server between client and service since multiple concurrent client requests can be relayed. However, by default only one worker thread will transmit incoming requests.

3 ...
4 # WSDL location
5 de.christofreichardt.jaxws.securitypriceservice.wsdl_location=http://localhost:8080/SecurityPriceService-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/securitypriceservice?wsdl
7 # service endpoint
8 de.christofreichardt.jaxws.securitypriceservice.endpoint=http://localhost:7070/SecurityPriceService-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/securitypriceservice
9 ...

If the port 7070 is occupied by another application you may configure another port by editing the de.christofreichardt.jaxws.securitypriceservice.endpoint and de.christofreichardt.httpmonitor.clientPortNo properties or you may skip the intermediary HttpMonitor altogether.

12 ...
13 # the port number of the incoming http requests
14 de.christofreichardt.httpmonitor.clientPortNo = 7070
16 # the number of worker threads which will monitor and forward the http requests
17 de.christofreichardt.httpmonitor.nThreads = 1
(5) Since the service itself connects to the internet you might have to configure a http proxy for the service. By default the service uses no proxy. If you are experiencing problems with the test cases 'Mixed Price Request' and 'Extra Price Request' (see next section) the direct access to the internet might be blocked. Look up for the connection settings of your internet browser or contact your network administrator to retrieve the proxy address.
12 ...
13 # proxy host
14 #de.christofreichardt.jaxws.securitypriceservice.http.proxyHost=
16 # proxy port
17 #de.christofreichardt.jaxws.securitypriceservice.http.proxyPort=80


Test Cases
(1) Mixed Price Request
This is a price request by a user well known to the service. The request contains ISINs and WKNs of several securities (Shares, Index Certificates and Options). The service should be able to serve all but one Security Identification Number. The test case validates that the service returns the correct number of prices and that the service identifies the correct securities (DAX Index Certificate by Commerzbank, Volkswagen Share, CALL on DAX Performance-Index and Osram Share).
(2) Price Request by unkown user
This is the exact same request as before but by a user unkown to the service. It is expected that the service throws a protocol exception with the message "Unknown user: 'unknown'.".
(3) Cheating Price Request
Again the exact same request as before but by a cheater pretending to be a certain user known by the service. It is expected that the service recognizes the invalid signature and throws thereupon a protocol exception with message "Invalid Signature."
(4) Offline Price Request
This is a request for the offline provider containing only one ISIN. This test case should be executed successfully even if the OnVista site is down.
(5) Replay Attack
An attacker could listen in a price request (and response) since the traffic on the wire isn't encrypted. The service must keep track of the transaction ids belonging to the requests from certain users to avoid Replay Attacks. Only transaction ids greater than the transaction id which has been used most recently by a particular user are considered valid. It is expected that the service throws a SecurityPriceServiceException with message "Illegal transactionId: x."
(6) Missing Signature
The service only processes correctly signed price requests. It is expected that missing signatures lead to a protocol exception with message "No Signature element found."
(7) Extra Price Request
This is an extra request for experiments. You may edit the file ./SecurityPriceService-client/xml/extra-request.xml and insert your own Securities Identification Numbers. The (extracted) response from the service will be marshalled into the file ./SecurityPriceService-client/xml/extra-response.xml


Execution and Analysis

First, you may start the HttpMonitor via start-http-monitor, if applicable. On Windows systems double-click suffices if anything has configured correctly. Generally, the applications assume that the working directory is the respective project directory. That is on Linux systems you must use the bash and must navigate to the project directories to run the provided start scripts.

$ ./start-http-monitor.sh
Monitoring ...
Monitoring ...
Monitoring ...

I'm using Cargo to instrument the WildFly Application Server. Hence there is no need to manually manage WildFly. Execution of the integration tests automatically starts the Server. Thereupon the current SecurityPriceService-server.war will be picked up and deployed to the configured WildFly instance. After the completion of the integration tests the server will be shut down again.

$ ./run-integration-tests.sh
result.getRunCount() = 7
result.getFailureCount() = 0
result.getRunTime() = 24359ms

You may review the IntegrationTests.log of the test run for a detailed view. The HttpMonitor has recorded the following SOAP exchanges during this run: WorkTracer-0.log. You may stop the HttpMonitor via stop-http-monitor.


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